The Yellow Shutter

4 Key Tips to Create a Simple and Effective Product Video

Gone are the days when static images did the job of effectively marketing your product. Without a well planned product video, you would be depriving your product as well as the brand of a much larger clientele. It is the product videos that make the product stand out, giving it the oomph it needs to dominate the space. A survey found that 96% of consumers find product videos useful before making purchases and 73% claiming to invest in the product after watching a video on the product. With statistics like this, it remains undisputed that your product video can go a long way in bettering the market for your product. For the same, one can avail commercial video production services to help you articulate your ideas into the perfect video!

Videos that keep viewers engaged, play a massive role in generating a positive and powerful response to your product. Given the dynamic nature of videos, it also reaches out to people through numerous platforms, be it YouTube, emails, and even social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. But what’s the magic behind making a product video stand out?

Identify the purpose of your product video

Put yourself in the shoes of your client and think for a moment, what would compel you to watch a product video? While viewers cannot be generalized into a single group with common likes and dislikes, it is universal for a product video to be captivating. Chalk down what you want your video to convey and stick to a theme to maintain throughout the video. Feel free to show off all that your product has to offer. Pick up inspiration from everything around you and explore ways to translate that into your product video. Make sure that your video content is always relatable for your target audience.

Pick a unique style for your video

Haphazard placement of video elements can be an instant put off for viewers. Instead, plan in advance the layout of your video. Be it a picture collage, a stop motion video or a video with a voiceover running in the background, keep it consistent throughout. Ensure that your product is the key highlight of your video. Script your video with a strong idea centered around your product and plan the execution before shooting. Remember that location and lighting can be a gamechanger. A simple concept with great lighting has the potential to do the trick just right. Keep the focus on your product throughout. A distraction from the product will be quick to steal the limelight away from your product

Get comfortable with video editing softwares

With the fabric of your product video in place, the next step is to stitch it into the masterpiece planned. For this to be executed successfully, you must be familiar with video editing softwares to make sure you really really nail the colours and cuts. Here’s where you also pick an appropriate background music to suit as this will set the tone for your product video.

Getting your video out for the world to view

Once you have your video in place, you must next plan how you wish to diffuse the video for it to reach your target audience. You must pick a platform or platforms where your target audience regularly engages in. This could be social media pages, a separate landing page, your website or even via email marketing. When putting your video out, remember to pick the right key words to name and describe your video in order to reach a much larger audience.

With these steps in place, you’re ready to give your product an edge over the others. However, videos are much harder to make than they may appear. For anyone on the hunt for product video makers in Bangalore, we at The Yellow Shutter are just a click away to help you through from start to finish. It’s time to give your product the push it needs to go viral!
